What is Overwatch?

Overwatch is a multimedia franchise centered on a series of online multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) video games developed by Blizzard Entertainment: Overwatch released in 2016, and Overwatch 2 released in 2022. The basic run down is you will be placed into a game with 4 other people as your teamates and your primary is one or two of the following, claiming an objective, pushing a payload, or pushing a robot. In "quick play" you are tasked with either defending or attacking on pushing the payload, pushing the robot as far as you can, or capturing two points before the enemy can. In Overwatch's second gamemode competative you are no longer tasked with either attacking or defending you must do both and which ever team preforms better will be deemed the winner. There 36 unique characters all categorized into three very distinct roles tank damage and support currently in the game there 10 tank heroes, 17 dps heroes, and 8 support heroes (this doesn't add up to 36 because theere is a new hero comming out in the tank category). I can play all three roles but I primarily play damage/support

Why do I play

I play Overwatch because sometimes I burn out on league so I need a different game to play, although I don't exclusively play those two games it's just the one I would be most likely to play.

How Long Have I been Playing

I started playing in 2020 but very rarely it was only recently that I actually started to play a frequently amassing around ~70 hours total in the game

Who do I Play?

My Top 3 Heroes

Brief Insight

Hero Role
Genji Reaper Junkrat
Damage Damage Damage
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